Thursday, September 14, 2017

Book Preview: Above the Timberline

Weeks away from the official launch of my novelAdd caption
--Greg Manchess
Weeks away from the official launch of my novel, Above the Timberline, and here is the first of several previews of the book.

Also, for those of you who might be visiting New York City around September 28th, I have a show opening that night of twenty-five of the paintings from the novel in the third floor gallery at the Society of Illustrators. You're all invited to come by! You'll get a sneak peak at not only the originals, but I'll have some advance copies of the book there to sign.
Weeks away from the official launch of my novel

Also, for those of you who might be visiting New York City around September 28th, I have a show opening that night of twenty-five of the paintings from the novel in the third floor gallery at the Society of Illustrators. You're all invited to come by! You'll get a sneak peak at not only the originals, but I'll have some advance copies of the book there to sign.


  1. Also, for those of you who might be visiting New York City around September 28th, I have a show opening that night of twenty-five of the paintings

  2. from the novel in the third floor gallery at the Society of Illustrators. You're all invited to come by! You'll get a sneak peak at not only the originals, but I'll have some advance copies of the book there to sign.

    1. field which I hope will eventually be scoured away from civilization like so many barnacles from the hull of a ship.

  3. In the past 3 years I have received about six thousand of these emails and after reading each and every one, I now consider myself an expert in.


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